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Triangle of Anti-Aging: SPF

#1 It Protects the Skin

#1 It Protects the Skin

The benefits of SPF for the skin are countless as it offers protection in many ways. Firstly, it provides a much-desired extra layer of moisture. Any cosmetic and skin care product containing SPF is a must-have, as this will maintain the hydration of your skin throughout the day rather than just the morning and nighttime.
Overall, the benefits are outstanding. Partaking in regular sessions, you can consistently see the results. After the healing process, you can see a significant reduction in fine lines, with your skin looking younger and brighter.

#2 It Is Full of Anti-Ageing Properties

#2 It Is Full of Anti-Ageing Properties

Any product featuring key anti-ageing properties will ultimately be a best-seller. However, you can actually prevent common signs of ageing earlier on through using products containing SPF on a daily basis. Products formulated with SPF reduce the appearance of sagging skin, wrinkles, dark spots, blemishes and discolouration.

This additional protection from signs of ageing can prevent you from taking more invasive actions further down the line from surgical to injectable corrections. Even more so, this can also save you money on anti-ageing products.

#3 Protects Your DNA

#3 Protects Your DNA

One of the greatest dangers of not using SPF is the damage to your skin cells and your DNA. Any damage to your DNA from the sun is one of the leading causes of skin cancer. Therefore, incorporating the use of SPF into your skin care routine is highly beneficial to both your skin and physical health.

In summary, there are numerous benefits of using SPF. Even during colder months, it should be used daily as the sun continues to produce strong UVB rays in winter. We would always recommend to use a minimum 15 SPF, going up to 30 in the height of summer. By choosing products with a strong SPF factor combined with daily use, this can reduce signs of ageing, protect your DNA as well as maintain the hydration of your skin.

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